Hallelujah! BBQ was created to employ and equip people who have experienced homelessness, including past residents of the Rescue Mission and graduates of Rescue Mission's Drug and Alcohol Relapse Prevention Program.
Our team is is trained to get jobs in the food service industry and they learn to cook and serve the best BBQ in Texas, all while rebuilding their lives. Every server and every cook has a story. When you eat at Hallelujah! BBQ, you're supporting recovery and someone's chance at a new life.
Overall we can house 193 people at a time, and we average 130 people per night. We house men, women, families, those with medical needs, low income renters, and those in our Relapse Prevention Program. As a Mission we strive to provide a family friendly environment that allows our residents to feel the love of God in all we do.
When residents come in we meet their physical needs by providing a home, 3 meals a day, clothing, laundry facilities, and other basic needs like toiletries. We also ask our residents to meet with one of our case workers, our nurse, our chaplain, and our job search coordinator. By doing this we help our residents meet their specific needs. Such as first getting glasses, a license, a job, and finally moving into permanent housing.
Since September 2022, we regularly receive between 40-100 migrants a day, and just as many leave the next to sanctuary cities. Our numbers are at a constant fluctuation as border policies and migration patterns do so too. We are able to provide them shelter, food, clothing, and basic needs, as a stop on their journey.
On the other side of our block, we have the Corner of Hope. This is our outreach to the homeless community who are in need, but are not current residents. The facility provides food and drinks, a place to shower, clean clothes, and laundry machines completely free of charge.
The Corner of Hope connects the Mission with people who normally do not trust shelters. As we serve our guests, we build trust and hope that they choose to come to the Mission and begin to rebuild their lives. Ultimately though, we just want to show people that God’s love is faithful and that we provide a nurturing environment no matter where they choose to live.
The Relapse Prevention program is a 13 week course that some of our residents and non-residents choose to take. It is a faith-based program that addresses the physical, mental, social, and spiritual concepts of recovery from a biblical perspective.
Each of these aspects is dealt with on an individual level, and in group settings. While all of our students may not have started as residents, we do require all students to live on our property during the 13 weeks. Together they address their struggles and learn how to overcome them with God’s help. Once the students have finished the program, we encourage them to stay with us for another 6 months to continue their recovery with After Care. This is usually where we assess who would make a great addition to our Hallelujah! BBQ team!
Since November of 1997, Blake Barrow has been serving our community by leading the Rescue Mission of El Paso. He works tirelessly to provide a family friendly environment and a stable lifestyle for our residents.
Our residents and community's daily needs are cared for by the work of our directors and other staff members. Please feel free to contact them if you'd like to know more about the Mission or get involved.
130a N Cotton St. El Paso, TX 79901 US